From a humble start in 1954, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier has grown to be a tremendous resource for area youth.



Gainesville-Hall County Boys Club was founded at 211 Sycamore Street to provide a fun and safe place for children. The original Club included as space for woodworking, arts and crafts, and a library.


Early fundraising efforts allowed the Club to raise enough money to open a new gymnasium.


Jim Smith became Executive Director, a role he held for 32 years.


Girls Club was established offering programming focused on teen pregnancy, sewing, arts and crafts, games and cooking.


Gainesville-Hall County Boys Club merged with Forest Hills Boys Club. Two new Clubs were opened to accommodate the growth; one at Blackshear Place and one at the current location on Downey Boulevard. The new facilities accommodated new activities such as: drama, folk dance, games, Little League, and swimming.


Girls Club relocated to New Holland Recreation Center. The facility was donated by Roger Milliken of the Milliken and Co.


Gainesville-Hall County Boys Club merged with Girls Club to form Boys & Girls Clubs of Hall County and began operating from the Positive Place Club on Downey Boulevard.


Major renovations to the Positive Place Club upgraded interior space to better accommodate programs for both boys and girls.


The Teen Center was established to provide programs specific to teenagers such as Career Launch and Diplomas to Degrees.


The Joseph F. Walters Club was established on Memorial Park Drive expanding the Clubs ability to serve more area youth.


Boys & Girls Clubs of Hall County became Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier to reflect the growing demand for programs in our region beyond Hall County.


Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier opened its first site in Forsyth County at Cumming Elementary School.