Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier offers sports programs for boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 14. Children must be 6 years old by August 1 to participate in our sports leagues. Regardless of a child’s athletic ability, our programs give all kids the opportunity to learn new skills, develop self-esteem, understand teamwork and build leadership skills. We emphasize having fun and promote full participation for every youth. Coaches and spectators are encouraged to demonstrate good sportsmanship and positive support for all players and officials.

To participate in any sports league, a membership application and membership fee is required.

2025 Spring Soccer League Registration Now Open!!

Registration: Available on MyClubHub now through Friday, March 14th. If in-person assistance is needed have them contact us at 470-577-4345.

Dates and Times: Our season will begin on Wednesday, March 19th. Practices are to be held on Wednesdays between 5:30 – 7:30pm. Games will be held on Saturdays between 9am – 4pm.

Location: All practices and games will be hosted at our Walters Club Field & Lyman Hall Field, both located at 2094 Memorial Park Dr. Gainesville, GA 30504.


$55 Member Fee

$65 Non-Member Fee

Uniforms are included in the cost

Sign up now at the MCH Parent Portal.

If needed, please access sign-up instructions here

Parent Instructions- Sports Registration

Weather Policy

If schools are closed or release early due to inclement weather, all games and practices on that day are canceled. If the weather is questionable but schools are open, a decision is made by Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier staff by 3 p.m. on game days. Coaches should contact Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier athletic departments to determine if games or practices will be held and then inform their team.

Coaches & Referees

We rely on volunteer coaches and referees for our sports leagues. If you are interested in coaching or refereeing any sport, please e-mail Justin Collier or call the Athletics Department at 770-532-8102 ext. 329

Pay sports leagues and clinic fees here.

Make a Payment

To view online schedules & standings for our sports league click here.

View schedules & standings